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The Future of Golf Statistics


StatShot is a golf statistics app created by high school students Ryan Coffey and Joe Cardenas. The app’s goal is to provide a simple yet highly insightful way for golfers to track meaningful statistics about their golf game. The app relies heavily on “strokes gained,” a breakthrough statistic which allows golfers to compare the performance of different aspects of their game using a common metric: strokes.
About a decade ago, strokes gained changed golf analytics forever. This revolutionary new statistic was pioneered by Professor Mark Broadie of Columbia Business School, and is written about extensively in his book Every Shot Counts and his various academic publications. Previously, traditional golf statistics were extremely limited in what they could tell you about a golfer’s performance. For example, what’s better: hitting 8 greens in regulation in a round or taking 30 putts? Strokes gained can help answer this question, and StatShot provides golfers a quick and simple way to track this data for their own game.
Strokes gained allows a player to cut through the confusion of traditional stats and quantify every part of their game with total precision. If you gained 1.50 strokes with your driving in a round and lost 0.50 strokes with your putting, not only do you know that your driving was better, but you can also say that it was exactly 2 strokes better than your putting. This insight makes it clear which parts of a golfer’s game are holding them back and which parts they are excelling at. StatShot allows them to focus their practice time and continuosly track their improvements.


What does StatShot do?

StatShot is the perfect app for keeping detailed statistics about your golf game all in one place. The app calculates a variety of metrics, including strokes gained driving, approach, short game, and putting. Additionally, the app tracks your total strokes gained and true strokes gained. All strokes gained evaluations are relative to a scratch golfer benchmark, allowing the app to also attribute the performance of each individual part of your game to a handicap level.

How is strokes gained calculated?

Strokes gained is a statistic that tracks progress towards the hole in terms of strokes. Rather than thinking of a player as 400 yards away from the hole, strokes gained would think of the player as 4.33 strokes away from the hole. If this player were then to advance the ball to a place where the expected strokes to hole out was 3, they would have advanced the ball 1.33 strokes in just 1 shot, thereby gaining 0.33 strokes. This simple arithmetic is the essence of strokes gained, and it allows the 4 vastly different parts of a player's golf game (driving, approach play, short game, and putting) to be compared directly using the same metric. The clear cut nature of strokes gained makes it perfect for tracking improvements in different areas of the game over time and identifying what might be holding a player back. StatShot uses expected scoring averages for scratch golfers to calculate strokes gained and provide useful insights for virtually all skill levels.

What is "True SG?"

True SG is a statistic found exclusively on the StatShot app. It factors in a course’s USGA rating along with other insights to provide a measure of strokes gained that can control for a course’s difficulty level. This metric allows players to get a more nuanced picture of their performance. True SG is particularly useful for golfers who play different courses of varying difficulty.

How much does StatShot cost?

StatShot is 100% FREE. There are no ads, subscriptions, or 7 day free trials. We hope that StatShot will allow golfers of all skill levels to get valuable insights into their game and maybe even develop an appreciation for math and statistics in the process!


Main Ideas

No data is collected on StatShot!

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JC Development, LLC built StatShot and the StatShot Homepage. These SERVICES are provided by JC Development, LLC at no cost and are intended for use as is. This page is used to inform visitors regarding our policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information. If you choose to use StatShot or the StatShot Homepage, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.

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We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. This policy is effective as of 10/21/2023.

Contact Info

Ryan Coffey -- [email protected]
Joe Cardenas -- [email protected]